Tuesday, March 18, 2008

ROCK OF LOVE 2... The Farewell to Kristy-Joe!

OK! So, I LOVED the first season of Rock of Love.
It was fucking classic. I don't think I've ever seen such an amazing collection of dumb bitches in my life.
At least not since high school.
So I was naturally excited when they announced season 2 was coming..
Until I fucking saw it!
The episodes have been really boring and the girls are a real snore too.
Daisy's plastic surgery makes her look like Freddy Krueger and one of those supercool 90's skateboard Alien decals' lovechild.
Then there was the 2 old ladies (who were actually Bret's age - I'm surprised they made it that far!) (PS on that note-- in the first episode where Bret blatantly lies about his age. Awesome.) who were sooo fucking boring. And not so fun to look at.
And the girl who looked like a rat with the terrible overbite who wore the wig-hiding bandanas, just like Bret. YUCK!
But I kept watching, waiting for an awesome moment..
And along came last night's episode.. WOW!
I laughed pretty much the whole time,
The music videos the girls made were RIDICULOUS! But not any more ridiculous than the new Bret tunes they were for... WOW!
I didn't realize the really lame "let me be your rock of love" intro was more then an intro and an actual SONG!
Holy crap.
It's really insane what people think is good. Because that definitely wasn't.
And all the girls breaking down crying on the steps were pretty funny too.
ANYWAY! All that was pretty humorous, and then came the whammy of the night..
I thought the producers would make her stay on until the end of the season for dramatic reasons,
and the last few episodes ended with them trying to make you think he was sending her home.
So Bret asks her tonight if she wants to stay and she actually says no!
And Bret is apparently so distraught by this, because he actually for some reason liked her, he left the other girl hanging and called it a night.
There was no preview of next weeks episode, but my guess is Meghan is goin' home.


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