For example, I started this blog to make a 2008 collection of my favorite crappy tv/film/etc moments.
And look how few posts I was actually able to make!
That's because the world mentioned above was extremely boring this year.
We had a weak year of badly written Degrassi episodes.
90210 is a flop.
Rock of Love Charm School was pretty good, I am especially looking foward to the reunion episode to see if Sharon Osbourne does in fact beat up Megan.
'Cause frankly, that would be sweet.
I am disgusted that we have to end 2008 with even WORSE TV than prior year,
with yet ANOTHER season of "Shot at Love" with hideous twins, rightly named "Ikki", who I see by commercial, because I refuse to actually watch that crap, are "Bisexual Twins". Wow. Good one, MTV.
And another MTV gem I see is coming out called "Bromance"?! Wow. I thought it was a gay dating show. A bunch of dudes competing to be pals with some unknown douchebag. Sounds great. I once again say, Wow.
Movies were a bust this year too!
I love going to the movies!
There was a time when I would go to the movies like twice a week!
This year I probably only went a handful of times.
What's up with that?
All those superhero movies were bullshit. Batman was great in the theatre, but when I watched the DVD I fell asleep.
Why is it so hard to make a good superhero movie?
I demand better flicks and TV in 2009.
I for example am really looking foward to the movie version of "Where the Wild Things Are". It looks pretty fucking awesome. It seems they are using puppets Jim Henson style or some really great costumes (or both) rather than making those god awful cartoons. Or if this is cartoon stuff then hell, this is the best cartoon job yet!
...Pretty neat, huh?
ANYWAY, The end of this year also brought on some sad deaths! 2 Classic sex kittens, Bettie Page (pin up, for you youngsters) and Eartha Kitt (Catwoman) both died this month, which is pretty sad to hear. Both Classics. Sad news.
So that about wraps it up,
2008- Go Fuck Yourself!
Bring on 2009!
Your pal,
Jackie B.
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