Wednesday, March 12, 2008

DEGRASSI VS. 90210 (Continued...)

I would also like to point out,
That much like the hilarious situation on 90210 when Kelly's facial burn became an inconveience to the show it started to become just a red spot.. then a smaller red spot.. until it just completely dissapeared like it never happened.
They are totally making this slowly happen with Jimmy's character on Degrassi, as him being in a wheelchair is becoming an inconvenience, he is now learning how to walk.
Only they are adding the extra saucyness of his new crippled love affair. Adorable.
Nothin' says Lovin' like learning to walk together.
Speaking of facial inconveniences,
I recently read in People magazine about Andrea Zuckerman (aka Gabriel whatever the hell her last name is)'s half paralyzed face.
I had no idea, but apparently she is still acting in movies and got injured while doing one of her own stunts and it paralyzed half of her face.
No worries though, 90210 die-hards, reading up on it it's only a temporary injury and she's already better!
I'm sure it's a great flick too, that we will all never see.
Right on!


1 comment:


Glad to hear Andrea (pronounced AHHHndrea) is doing well.
Now I wanna hear about some real muscle action!